Complete Hydro Solutions

We take pride in providing comprehensive and reliable hydrological services.

Western Australia's Expert Water Services Provider

We have a diverse background in test pumping, water projects, civil projects, and land-based drilling.

Our management have extensive experience in key roles for Cat 2 and 3 contractors that have delivered projects for major clients in WA, including Rio Tinto Iron Ore, BHP Iron Ore and FMG.

We service our projects with a new 4×4 and 6×4 Mine spec fleet and have a comprehensive safe system of work that is currently undergoing ISO accreditation.

We understand the importance of accurate data and carry out our scientific tests in accordance with AS2368-1990 Test Pumping of Water Wells.

Make An Enquiry


Aquifer Testing


Water Pump Installations


Groundwater Monitoring

Why Choose Us

Through innovation and collaboration, we strive to provide excellent water services for our clients. Our comprehensive approach allows you to get all you want from one service provider.

Experienced Operators

Projects are led by experts with a profound understanding of water management complexities.

Modern Fleet

We leverage a cutting-edge fleet to ensure efficient and precise execution of hydrological services.

Accurate Data

Data collection and analysis underpin our commitment to providing dependable hydrological insights.

Innovative Solutions

We deliver water management solutions through continuous innovation and strategic approaches.

Companies We Work With

Here’s What Our Client Say about Us

“Quis sed sagittis lorem eget venenatis, enim nisl tellus sem convallis diam vitae arcu odio bibendum eu pretium dolor aliquam scelerisque tortor, odio euismod.”

Anna Patricia

Manager of Finance Consultant

Penatibus eros congue aliquet lectus in imperdiet vel mattis sed enim enim pulvinar posuere augue duis lorem lectus at facilisi in nibh at quam in justo, sit auctor morbi eget aliquam lorem gravida fringilla pretium vestibulum mauris.
John Allison
CEO of Manufacture Company
Erat elit et, amet eget morbi enim, potenti urna, blandit tincidunt faucibus eu diam tincidunt interdum pharetra et diam viverra lacinia integer quam iaculis facilisis viverra quam leo proin semper aenean morbi fames integer vitae ipsum.
Alicia Potter
Graphic Designer
Neque amet at sit elementum et proin lacus vestibulum amet bibendum purus dolor turpis platea sodales senectus purus donec elit molestie scelerisque amet nullam tincidunt arcu odio enim ut nunc vel, tristique dictumst adipiscing elit ultrices.
Edward B. Suarez
Song Writer